Sunday, October 3, 2010

Capri and the Blue Grotto

The tail end of our journey takes us to island of Capri off the coast of Italy, about an hour from Naples.  If you want the most relaxing two days of your entire life, you should probably go to Capri. Not only is this mountainous island secretly hiding breathtaking views at every bend.  I have no need to spew nonsense right now, but rather I'll let the pictures do the talking.



Canals of the Venetian Variety

Our saga continues as we headed from Florence to Venice.  Much to no surprise it was tough waking up at 10 am to get out of the hostel in Florence.  It’s actually quite amazing that the woman didn’t try and kill us as we left the hostel.  Sitting in the middle of the square looking at St. Croche on a mildly overcast day, while being hung-over (on fruit juice of course) I was able to experience something almost as awesome as Gustav back in Geneve (see green-fanny-pack-leotard man from a few posts below).  I guess dancing and using gyration motions in a public square are a great style of dance in Europe, go figure  We arrived in Venice, and it was raining.  Below are the pictures from about a day and half in Venice.

The best part of the trip to Venice was probably the anticipation that Chris P. and I had leading up to the night train.  Who knew that a train could be so exciting.  Also, a quick shout out the Australian girls who recommended all the things for Capri.  
